Monday, December 26, 2011

Week 18

Last Friday Brad killed my leg and I am still feeling it today. So when I went in to the studio to workout and he announced a full body workout day, I was THRILLED beyond belief. What, you mean I get to kill my legs again ... OH GOODEEEEE!  ... barf

Anyway, I did do 2 sessions of cardio last week and another just before my workout today so I guess that makes the 3 that I am shooting for each week.  I'm a little tired today but I think I put in a good workout (well, except for maybe legs). Brad said today he likes to see me frustrated. Okay, so I'm a nerd, not very coordinated I guess, and he comes up with these "compound movements" that really tax my sense of coordination. Or should I say point out my obvious weaknesses. Not something I am accustomed to. But anyway he demonstrates a movement: stand on one leg with the other leg bent up to about 90 degrees; bend over, touch the floor, stand up straight again and hop once. "Do 50 of those." Now when he does it the stars align and all flows beautifully, graceful as Baryshnikov. I look like a drunk flamingo just trying to stand on one foot. Bending down and actually completing the movement - there just are no words ...

I did complete 50 of each movement and now have 2 weeks to see just how fat I can get before heading back to the gym. Is he REALLY allowed to take time off just when I'm starting to make progress like this?!

Okay, so here are the pix and yes I did fall off the wagon for the last few days indulging in anything that was NOT on my diet ... YAY! Just prepping for Brad's time off ... I'll just have to work his ass off getting me BACK into shape, that'll show HIM! Yes it will ...

Pre-workout breakfast, my second reuben sandwich

Post-workout ... to hell with the six pack, I got a KEG!

Okay, seriously?! Holy Shit ... I didn't realize until I actually put these up on the site how different the before and after were! CHECK OUT THAT PUMP!!!! YAY!!! WOOT! WOOT! WOOT! 
Pre-workout                        Post-workout

Pre-workout                        Post-workout

Pre-workout                        Post-workout

Pre-workout                        Post-workout

Monday, December 19, 2011

Week 17

Okay, feeling really good about things today! Had a workout this morning and, rather than taking the pix right after working out, I took them after coming home from work.  Also had the big holiday party this weekend didn't exactly follow the diet plan ... oops! But I still think things are improving nicely. VERY excited for the next couple of weeks. New help at work and new IT position is definitely going to help things from both a timing perspective and from a disposition perspective. ROCK ON!!!

Monday, December 12, 2011

Week 16

So here I am almost 4 months into my little self improvement project. I think it's going pretty well. Kyle's body is amazing but hell, he's 31! He was wearing diapers while I was headed to college ... so youth's got me there. None the less for a nearly 48 year old guy I'm not disappointed at all in my progress. Just finished rounding for the rest of the year and I actually have some off time this week. I AM going to get in some cardio! Maybe even tonite! Brad, let's not forget to take some measurements on Friday if we have time. I wanna check out my progress on that front as well. Very excited for this week .. off Thu and Fri then big holiday party on Saturday. The holiday fun is well underway and I'm doin a great job (I think) with my diet. Now I commit to more cardio and I'll have my ideal body and then some by the cruise at the end of March .. Holy crap, that's only 3 months away!!!

Here's this week's pix:

And here's the goal:

Yeah baby!!!

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Week 15 (kinda)

So it's actually the end of week 14 but since I won't be able to workout Monday of next week (the start of week 15) I figured I'd do the posting now. Again did before and after workout pix. I did go back and look at the pix in the past and I really start to notice a change in like week 12. I am thrilled with how things are going now. I am seeing and feeling improvements each week. With the new staff starting at my office I will hopefully not be working 2 fulltime positions anymore and have an opportunity to start getting in some cardio during the week. It's coming into the holidays too and that means parties and eating, gotta watch that but food has never really been a big issue with me. I don't have a sweet tooth and I am pretty limited during the week with what I can eat during the day so I bring my own to work and that's a real easy way to stay on track. By the time I get home I'm just too exhausted to eat (usually around 10 or 11) and it's bad to eat that late anyway. So a little snack usually does the trick and I'm off to bed. Anyway, here are the pix ...

oops, don't look like that just yet but that's pretty much my goal! HA! Here's me ...

Pre workout                       Post workout

Pre workout                       Post workout

Pre workout                       Post workout

Pre workout                       Post workout

Okay, so that's it for week 14/15
I'm rounder next week so only one workout planned for next Friday. I'm gonna REALLY try to get in some workouts on my own (stealing a few ideas from Brad's workouts) and make some strides again this week ... who knows, we'll see what happens :)