Monday, October 31, 2011

Week 10

It's Halloween ... and no I'm not going to scare anyone by wearing my Jockstrap again! Or a Banana Hammock ... just a pair of briefs ...

So Brad is convinced that I have changed and I really didn't think I had. Today, however, looking at the pre and post workout pix from this week I definitely see differences between the two. ... and Brad I appreciate your not sharing with the gf but I guess it'd be ok. If she giggles at me you have to ... giggle along with her. The other thing OMG these damn compound movements esp with the abs. I am going to try to work on coordination this week (if I ever get any time) to do both cardio and those. I bet they're really good for my abs but I just don't have the coordination there to do that stuff for some strange reason.  Anyway ... on to the pix ...


Wednesday, October 26, 2011

So you asked for comparison pix week 1 - week 9 .. here goes!

Monday, October 24, 2011

Week 9

Here it is apparently week 9. I think I'm finally beginning to see some changes. Of course these pix were taken right after working out so I'll have to make this disclaimer: "Images seen on this post appear larger than they appear in true life". Anyway, getting in time for cardio is still a major challenge at this point but I'm really enjoying the workouts (and I'm saying that just cuz I gave my trainer a link to the site) but because I feel better and my shoulder is v e r y  s l o w l y improving. I am going to refer back to the very first post I made and try to focus on cardio every day this week to see if I can make a bigger improvement next week! We'll see how that goes ...

Monday, October 17, 2011

Beginning Week 8

Ok, so admittedly I haven't been as diligent about my cardio as I should be. I note though that I have lost weight (181 vs 186 lbs) but for some reason the pix seem to make me look a bit bigger. Not too sure about that. And those marks on my back, not sure where they came from. So this week I have to start doing some independent work to trim down a bit. Cardio for sure but I am going to start doing legs as well to build up a little more in the way of some fat burning muscles. I suppose watching a little more closely on what I eat can't hurt but I'm really generally pretty good at that. Oh well, will keep at it.