Thursday, August 30, 2012

Week 50 (cont'd)

I'm pretty excited. I have managed to do cardio every day now for the past 7 days. It has consisted of riding my bike for 8+ miles per day. Also sticking to the no booze rule AND am pretty good about watching diet. I took a couple of quick pix and just had to post them ....

Monday, August 27, 2012

Week 50

2 more weeks! Getting close to turning over pix to Brad. I have committed to a healthy diet SOLIDLY for the next two weeks as well as daily cardio (oy, to find the time). I have biked daily for the past 4 days. It's raining outside but supposed to stop later but I work till about 9 tonite so it might be kinda tuff. Perhaps a little jog if my knee holds up or maybe just a brisk walk for 1/2 an hour. Low carbs, lotsa protein with healthy meats fruits and veggies for the next week. Okay, here we go!

Monday, August 20, 2012

Week 49

Yep, almost a year. Brad's gonna post these on his FB page so I better behave regarding diet for the next 3 weeks, OY!

Monday, August 6, 2012

Week 47

Great news! Right knee is cleared by ortho so I can get back to using it ... slowly. Brad only did upper body again today cuz we weren't sure what the status was going to be so did mostly chest and some abs and tri's. Shoulder started acting up when we tried those exercises so we just opted on a pass. In looking at the pix they're pretty good. Sticking with the diet fairly well and plan on a great weekend in Chicago coming up. That means that next Monday I won't be working out with Brad on Monday (perhaps Tuesday or other???) but there won't be any post next week. However, that week marks the 11th month I've been at this so in approx 5 weeks I will have been at this for a year. If I continue to show improvement I think I'll let Brad show off the pix to see my progress at 52 weeks. Anyway, here are this week's pix